I am also a Google Certified Innovator, Lead PBS Digital Innovator, Microsoft Innovative Educator Trainer, Google Educator Groups (GEG) SoCal Co-Leader, PLAYDATE Los Angeles co-organizer, and a contributing writer to KQED's In the Classroom blog. In 2012, I was selected by Microsoft to attend their Partners in Learning U.S. Forum where 102 educators from all over the United States were chosen to showcase their use of innovative technology in the classroom. In the same year, I was honored by my colleagues with the title of Teacher of the Year.
I first started my career teaching high school English before transferring to a middle school in the same district. I earned my B.A. in English, teaching credential, and Masters in Education at UCLA. Furthermore, I also have a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, which I earned at Azusa Pacific University.
Over the course of my career, I have been a mentor teacher, master teacher, presenter, trainer, consultant, and keynote speaker. I regularly present at my school, within my district, and at local and national conferences. As a consultant, I also provide training and support in the area of educational technology and curriculum development.
Training Expertise
- Common Core Trainer for CUE
- G Suite training for teachers and administrators
- 1:1 iPad & 1:1 Chromebook curriculum
- Web 2.0 tools and classroom integration
- Mobile device management
- iOS, Chrome, Apple, and Windows platforms
- Writing and literacy instruction
- Teacher of the Year
- Google for Education Certified Innovator
- Lead PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator
- Microsoft Partners in Learning US Finalist
- PBS SoCaL American Graduate Champion
- Listed on "42 Women Leading in Education"
- UCSD Outstanding High School Teacher Award
- Sylvan Learning Center Kids' Choice Award
- Rookie Teacher Award
In the Media
EdTech Outreach (Past & Present)
- SGVCUE Board Member
- PLAYDATE Los Angeles Co-organizer
- Google Educator Groups (GEG) SoCal Co-leader
- Connected Classrooms G+ Community Co-moderator
- CUE West Coast Summit Featuring Google for Education Task Force Chair

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